
Spain Humiliates the U.S.

I feel sick. Spain is seeking warrants for the arrests of six Bush administration officials for authorizing torture, including Alberto Gonzales, Jon Yoo, Doug Feith and David Addington.

The potential fallout for our global standing, already in the toilet, is catastrophic. Cheney has publicly defended the torture, he and Bush oversaw, since the Bush administration ended. He's taken categorical responsibility for it. We could soon be living in a country where our former president and vice president cannot leave our borders without fear of arrest, a la Augusto Pinochet.

Is this even registering with you? Can you really hear this and not want to throw up? And why Spain? Can't we take some responsibility for ourselves?

Thankfully, Dawn Johnsen is Obama's selection to head up the Office of Legal Council. That very office is where Yoo drafted the infamous torture memo. Johnsen is a vehement Geneva apologist and advocate of humane treatment. Her selection gives a glimmer of hope that the US, under Obama, Holder, and Johnsen, will take responsibility for prosecuting our own citizens responsible for war crimes.

If we can beat Europe to the punch by prosecuting these unapologetic, criminal demons, we will be able to recapture some moral authority during a moment in history in which we, and the world, so desperately require us to.

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