
Forty Ounces to Freedom.

When you think about it, a forty is a pretty darn economical way to drink beer. You wouldn't think so, I mean, who can really drink that much beer in a sitting. Alcoholics, that's who. Or thirsty people, in a pinch. My point is that the forty in my fridge from dinner last night has a screw cap. I just poured myself the first glass of the day, and the damn thing is still carbonated. Can you beat that? A forty ounce bottle of beer is like a six pack, but for only $3. Sure, you're missing a good thirty ounces from the six pack, but you're also not spending the $7 to get them.

I'm not going to delve any deeper into the math. It's pretty plain. I'm a frugal genius, and you should thank me for forging this path for you. In lieu of thanks, I will accept forties.

Also: Congratulations, Mayor Bloomberg on purchasing another mayoral term. It should turn out to have been worth every dime. Here's to four more years of governance, and probably four more, and four more, and four more.

(don't forget to share. my thanks spring eternal.)

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